The Ryo Business Room is channel where we can build a community of people with a large interest in Ryo-currency. It exists to foster ecosystem development and incentivise holding while enabling business people to work together.

Meet with like minded business people about creating an industry around Ryo-currency.

Ask for help and share resources for building your business. Find programmers to help you build your platform.

Get feedback on your ideas and discuss with other members how to grow your business.
What is the Ryo Business Room?
As described above, the point of the Ryo Business Room is to get like-minded individuals who are interested in building businesses around Ryo-currency. We believe getting people together in this sort of forum will enable each other to develop ideas by sharing resources and feedback. Members of the group will be able to have direct access to each other and developers to help turn their idea into a reality.
How do I join?
In order to join, you must hold an interest in the project by having at least 50,000 Ryo and provide key images as proof. The reason this is a requirement is to make sure members are serious about the project and have the capital to make their ideas a reality. Alternatively, we may invite members of the community who have already contributed noteworthy components to the Ryo ecosystem. Large pool operators are also welcome to join the group. Note that you are not required to send us 50,000 Ryo, just provide proof that you hold that amount in your wallet.
Join our Telegram channel and send direct message to our @RyoSharkBot to get invite to the group.
You will need to provide:
- View key
- Keyimage export

Frequently Asked Questions
Q: Is this a pump room?
A: No, there is no market manipulation talk happening in this channel. It is a social club not a secret cabal.
Q: Do members get to decide the direction of the project?
A: No, this channel is not a board of directors. While an opinion of a person holding a significant amount of Ryo is much more important
to us than one of a brand new Telegram account, this channel is a way of raising those ideas or concerns and not an executive body.
The general public is, as usual, welcome to express their opinions and suggestions on the general channels.
Q: Do you want 50,000 Ryo from me?
A: No, you are not required to send us 50,000 Ryo, just provide proof (key images) that you hold that amount in your wallet.
Q: What will happen if my balance drops below 50,000 Ryo?
A: Ryo shark bot will remove you from the channel.