Previous Ryo GUI Wallet and Ryo LITE Wallet have been merged into one - Simply called Ryo Wallet. The development of a brand new wallet, built from scratch using modern Vue.js and Electron frameworks, resulted in the release of Ryo Wallet: Atom.
- 1. View-only wallet option / keys management
- 2. Multi-sync (Local / Remote / Hybrid)
- 3. Multi-wallet (Switch Ryo wallets with ease)
- 4. User friendly address book
- 5. Legacy GUI wallet one click import
- 6. UX/UI improvements over previous versions
- 7. Built-in GPU solo mining feature
- Windows: Download
- Linux: Linux (AppImage) | Archive (.tar)
- Source Code (Github)

- Multi language interface
- Further address book UX improvements
- Further user interface optimizations and styling
- Even more options and settings available (for power users)
- Update notifications and changelog
- Real-time network stats and price history
- Integrated support documentation
- Integrated Ryo news and releases feed
- All-in-one architecture
Ryo Wallet Atom - Development path
New version - in development
Aug 18, 2022
Update 1.5.1-
Ryo Wallet Atom update
Apr 28, 2020
Update 1.5.0-
Ryo Wallet Atom daemon update
Apr 2, 2020
Update 1.4.1-
Ryo Wallet Atom daemon update
Feb 29, 2020
Update 1.4.0-
Ryo Wallet Atom update 1.4.0: 'Fermi Paradox' core update + dark theme colour change. Read full changelog
June 1, 2019
Update 1.3.2-
Ryo Wallet Atom update 1.3.2: bugfixes and optimisations, wallet autostart with system feature. Read full changelog
May 13, 2019
Update 1.3.1-
Ryo Wallet Atom update 1.3.1: solo mining feature, password strength checker,. Read full changelog
Feb 10, 2019
Update 1.2.0-
Ryo Wallet Atom update 1.2.0: hide to tray function, optimised tx history tab, startup updates, and more. Read full changelog
Nov 8, 2018
Update 1.1.0-
Ryo Wallet Atom major update 1.1.0: View-only wallets, keys management, dark theme, and more. Read full changelog
Oct 3,
Ryo Wallet Atom 1.0.2 includes Ryo daemon which adds DNSSEC updates and a stability fix to the previous release.
Sept 29, 2018
Update 1.0.1-
Ryo Wallet Atom 1.0.1 includes Ryo daemon which fixes the coin burning bug, and the CVE-2018-3972 epee bug.
Sept 9, 2018
Initial Atom release
First release Ryo Wallet version 1.0.0- Multi-sync, multi-account, responsive design, legacy import and many more.
Update 1.5.1-
GUI version: 1.5.1
Daemon version:
- Minor update - added new default remote node link
- increased footer size
- added "help" section
- added social links
- increased default window size
- reworked build documentation and updated year
Update 1.5.0-
GUI version: 1.5.0
Daemon version:
- This Atom release contains daemon + RPC update to conform to network update.
Update 1.4.1-
GUI version: 1.4.1
Daemon version:
- Daemon update and few minor display fixes
Update 1.4.0-
GUI version: 1.4.0
Daemon version:
- Core update "Fermi Paradox"
- Dark theme colour changed to be less contrasted to increase eye comfort.
Update 1.3.2-
GUI version: 1.3.2
Daemon version:
- Add autostart function (launches Atom when computer boots)
- Add watchdog for checking that the local system clock is in sync (affects mining)
- Support for configurable block refresh interval in config.json (not exposed in frontend interface)
- Add wallet scanning progress on loading screen when loading takes more than 1 second.
- Fix occasionally bad hashrate average calculation
- Optimize SQLite database every 24 hours
- Fix for exception when connection to remote node is lost
- Filter out http:// from user entered remote node address
- Send OK stratum message earlier, reducing ping
Update 1.3.1-
GUI version: 1.3.1
Daemon version:
- Solo Pool Mining.
- Startup icons updated.
- Wallet restart upon saving changes (backport from Loki wallet).
- Seed word validation upon creating a new wallet.
- Password strength meter.
- Inactivity timeout.
- Using IPC for internal communication.
Update 1.2.0-
GUI version: 1.2.0
Daemon version:
- "Minimize to Tray" option in settings.
- Transaction history tab optimisations (speed up loading tx history tab with lots of transactions in it)
- Improved startup handling (various startup checks: node and blockchain storage availability, files permissions)
- Add "Enhanced Private Network Mode" for non 24/7 wallets. (Disables incoming connections, for wallets hidden in tray - disabling of this checkbox is recommended)
- Warn when sending to a RYoL address without payment ID (dismissable, configurable in settings)
- Warn when using wallet with empty password (dismissable, configurable in settings)
- Updated to Node v10.15.1 and Electron 4.0.4 (improved speed and responsiveness)

Major update 1.1.0-
GUI version: 1.1.0
Daemon version:
- Import view only wallets
- Export and import key images for use with view only wallets. This feature is now placed in "Wallet operations dropdown"
- Dark Theme option. (placed in new setting entry - appearance)
- Window size and position state saved between restarts
- When restoring wallet - added restore from a date in addition to block height.
- Improved UX with extra copy address buttons (seed, keys, addresses, right-click context menus (following tabs: wallet, receive, address book, tx history), ability save identicon and QR to file
- Improved address book with "send to address + payment id" button
- Filter by transaction ID in transaction history tab
- Peer menu with peer details and option to ban for specified amount of time
- Change password and delete wallet options
- Optimized backend RPC calls and error messages
- Start-up bug fixes
- Start-up copy wallet address button
- Various notifications to a user (user copied address-only in adress book entry that contains also ID, user deletes wallet, display seed, and keys warning)
- Payment ID display fixes (no more extra zeros)
- Footer status bar fixes and optimisations (slightly increased font size, avoid rounding to 100.0% if the wallet is not fully synced (will show 99.9% instead), and if in local_remote do not show "Ready" until local daemon is also synced)
Update 1.0.2-
GUI version: 1.0.2
Daemon version:
Ryo Wallet Atom 1.0.2 includes Ryo daemon which adds DNSSEC updates and a stability fix to the previous release.
Update 1.0.1-
GUI version: 1.0.1
Daemon version:
Ryo Wallet Atom 1.0.1 includes Ryo daemon which fixes the coin burning bug, and the CVE-2018-3972 epee bug.
- Small fix where some users would see .DS_Store files listed in the wallet select screen
- Correct error handling for incorrect password when opening wallet
Initial Atom release 1.0.0
GUI version: 1.0.0
Daemon version:
- Wallet switch option.
- Wallet naming and identifying
- Mixed sync. logic (local / remote / mixed)
- Power user settings
- Improved address book
- Lazy load tx history tab
- Interface updates
- Increased stability and reduced response time
- Non latin seed restore
- Import wallet from old GUI or Lite wallet
- Updating wallet
- View-only wallets / keys management
- Wallet sync options
- Keeping several Ryo wallets on one PC
- Address book
- Importing legacy Ryo wallet keys
- "Installer" and "portable" wallet versions
- Wallet files allocation
- Ryo address types
- Locked balance display
- What is integrated address?
- I have an incoming transaction, but it didn't appear in Ryo Wallet.
- How to set up view-only wallet?
- I hit transaction size limit, what is it and what can I do to fix it?
Updating wallet
To update your wallet, simply download the most recent version for your platform from here. The installer will only update the Ryo Wallet executable application files, all settings and wallet files will be retained. Gone are the days of having to restore wallets from seed words or importing from key files just to enjoy the latest wallet features.
How to solo mine Ryo using Atom?
To start solo mining you need to have 100% sync in either "local" or "remote+local" mode. Then go to top left menu and choose "solo mining". Check "Enable solo mining" and make sure that "Pool status" displays "Ready" then use IP:port of your PC that runs wallet as a pool address in your miner config. You can also check this videoguide on how to start solo mining. We recommend to use Xmr-Stak for it. You will find tutorials, additional Ryo power and miner config profiles, support and latest release discussions on Xmr-Stak forum.
Important: Make sure you are hashing the correct algo, Cryptonight-GPU, when mining to the solo pool. Shares will not be validated and incorrect algo will result in rejected blocks.
View-only wallets / keys management
View-only wallets are a type of restricted wallet (without the ability to spend funds) which can only view incoming transactions and outgoing transactions do not get reflected in the balance. A common use for these types of wallets is to confirm deposits to wallets in cold storage (e.g. paper wallets).
To set up view-only wallet you can use Atom all way round. First copy wallet address you wish to have view-only.
If you have full wallet in Atom - enter into a wallet which you want to turn into view-only only mode. Then hit
"Manage wallet" - "Show
private keys". Copy view key. And store in temporary place. They navigate to dropdown and export key
into temporary folder ("Manage key images").
Then you may delete this wallet in same dropdown (make sure you always store key phrase in safe
And on startup screen, there is a "Restore view-only" wallet. You can paste view key wallet address
and have it working.
View-only wallets only show incoming transactions, not outgoing. So If you have outgoing transactions - a view only wallet won't show that, but it WILL show the incoming change from that transaction. Thus view only wallets tend to make it look like you have a much larger balance.
To fix this, in this version of Atom, there is also a "manage key images" option. Import key images
using "Manage wallet" dropdown.
NOTE: Key images won't let you spend from the view-only wallet. For signing
transactions you will always
need the private spend key, which the view only wallet does not have.
Wallet sync options
(Recommended) "Local + Remote daemon": get started quickly with this default option. Wallet
will download the
full blockchain, but use a remote node while syncing.
"Remote only": blockchain file is being used - located on remote server.
"Local only": blockchain file is being used - located on your PC.
Keeping several Ryo wallets on one PC
You can keep several Ryo wallets on one PC, and switch between them easily - just pick your Ryo wallet from list and enter its password.
Address book
Adding recipients into your address book will let you keep track of who you have sent funds to - you can add recipients of your payments beforehand, or after transactions. Seamless Ryo address validation of fields is built into the address book. Use "Send here" button near address book entry, or use "Send coins" button after opening it. You can also press "Copy address" button in address book entry, if you copy address that contains ID - you will be notified
Importing legacy Ryo wallet keys
On startup Ryo wallet will scan default folders used by previos versions of Ryo Lite and Ryo GUI wallets and will give ability to restore from key files.
"Installer" and "portable" wallet versions
Installer version - installs wallet binaries in default system folder (can be changed during installation) and
creates shortcut on desktop.
Portable version - unpack archive and start "Ryo Wallet Atom.exe" from any folder on your system.
Wallet files allocation
Ryo wallet files are organised in 3 groups:
- Ryo Wallet Atom binaries
- Your wallet files (keys)
- Ryo Wallet Atom settings
By default their Windows or MacOSX storage are:
- C:\Program Files\Ryo\RyoWallet or /Applications/Ryo Wallet Atom.app
- C:\ProgramData\ryo\wallets or /home/your_user_name/.ryo/wallets
- C:\ProgramData\ryo\gui or /home/your_user_name/.ryo/gui
Ryo address types
Before v0.2 binaries version, Ryo had pre fork address format that had these prefixes:
- Sumo (standart address) 26 word seed
- Sumi (integrated address)
After v0.2 Ryo released update, when old format addresses started to auto convert to new address format,
keeping old format for deposits. And introduced another option - short (kurz)
addresses. Users who created wallets with 26 word seeds, after 0.2 have 25 word seed (last word is not
needed anymore, because Ryo integrated proper seed validation). Users who created wallets since 0.2 have
14 words seed.
Since 0.2 address types are:
- RyoL (standard, long address) 25 (wallet created before 0.2) or 14 (wallet created after 0.2) words seed
- RyoK (short (kurz) address)
- RyoS (subaddress)
- RyoN (integrated address)
- RyoT (testnet address, used for development)
Integrated address (Sumip or RyoN) is a type of address format that has in-built payment ID into it. It is same as standard long address (RyoL) + separate payment ID. Unique payment ID is needed, for example, for exchanges to distinct and tie deposits to user accounts.
Locked balance display
Locked coins can be a change from transaction, that used part of your wallet input. (compare spending 1 coin from 1*100 coin input and 10*10 coin inputs):
- If you had 1 input in your wallet with 100 coins, you will have 99 (subtracting tx fee) coins locked and returned as change, that will need to wait 10 confirmations to be unlocked.
- If you had 10 inputs in wallet 10 coins each (same balance - 100 coins in total), after spending 1 coin, you will have 9 coins locked (subtracting tx fee) for 10 confirms and 90 coins of unlocked balance.
Also "locked balance" can be any other incoming transaction that is not yet confirmed. (network requires 10 confirmations of each transaction).
What is integrated address?
Integrated address (Sumip or RyoN) is a type of address format that has in-built payment ID into it. It is same as standard long address (RyoL) + separate payment ID. Unique payment ID is needed, for example, for exchanges to distinct and tie deposits to user accounts.
I have an incoming transaction, but it didn't appear in Ryo Wallet.
- Check wallet address where payment is sent to and your wallet address.
- Check your transaction id in explorer The number of confirmations should be 1+.
- Make sure you use the latest version of wallet.
- Make sure you are fully synchronised with network.
How to set up view-only wallet?
You can use Atom all way round. First copy wallet address you wish to have view-only. If you have
full wallet in Atom - enter
into a wallet which you want to turn into view-only only mode. Then hit "Manage wallet" - Show
private keys. Copy view key. And store in temporary place. They navigate to dropdown and export key
into temporary folder ("Manage key images").
Then you may delete this wallet in same dropdown (make sure you always store key phrase in safe
And on startup screen, there is a "Restore view-only" wallet. You can paste view key wallet address
and have it working.
View-only wallets only show incoming transactions, not outgoing. So If you have outgoing transactions - a view only wallet won't show that, but it WILL show the incoming change from that transaction. Thus view only wallets tend to make it look like you have a much larger balance.
To fix this, in this version of Atom, there is also a "manage key images" option. Import key images
using "Manage wallet" dropdown.
NOTE: Key images won't let you spend from the view-only wallet. For signing
transactions you will always
need the private spend key, which the view only wallet of course lacks.
I hit transaction size limit, what is it and what can I do to fix it?
If you experience problems with sending coins, make sure that you use the latest wallet, and are fully synchronized with the network. If the problem persists, check the following:
- Incoming transactions number in your wallet.
- The average size of an incoming transaction.
- Outgoing transaction you wish to create.
So, for example, if your wallet consists of 200 incoming transactions, with average size 5 Ryo (1000 Ryo in total), and you want to send all of it - it will try to use all these 200 inputs while creating output, that can hit tx limit in kb.
Try to do the following:
- Simply send a smaller amount. (average input amount multiplied by 10 or 15)
- Send all coins (in batches that will pass the limit) to own subaddress. Take roughly average input
size in Ryo and multiply it by 10-15 and try this batch on wallet consolidation. (In 1000 Ryo above
example the chunks would be 50 Ryo, of course, you can try higher chunk size). After you sent all
coins to own subaddress - you can hit either "All coins" button and create a transaction, or use any
amount you need to send.